Chocolate for Life: The Daily Treat

The average American will consume about 9.5 pounds on chocolate each year. We will also spend about $22 billion just buying it according to research by The Washington Post. Whether it is milk chocolate, white chocolate, or dark chocolate, one this is for sure- we all love chocolate.

And what is the draw of chocolate? Is it just its sweetness? Or the power punch of sugar hitting the blood stream and the wonderful rush? We think the love of chocolate can a be bit deeper than that.


Chocolate was discovered by Mesoamerican (imagine Mexico and Central America) cultures between 1900 to 1500 BC. Cultivated and first used as a drink, it was quickly considered the “drink of the gods” and used for a variety of purposes including religious ceremonies, a treat for men after banquets, or as rations for soldiers. It was a rare commodity and belonged only to the elite.

Over the course of time, modern inventions, and a touch (or spoonful) of sugar has transformed our view of chocolate. Massed produced for a demanding market, some of the rarity of chocolate has been lost to us. However, strides are being made across the world to restore the view chocolate as a luxury, not a commodity.

Over the course of the last decade, “bean-to-bar” has elevated chocolate out of the Hershey bar wrapper and given it an outfit. Artists, craftsman, connoisseurs are continually refining their production to make a chocolate that is tasty, satisfying, and one-of-a-kind. Now, chocolate can be a discovery again rather than the melted chip you accidentally find in your pocket.



It is always a struggle to find something that is delicious and good for you. If only those McDonald’s fries didn’t increase the waistline number. But it is amazing how chocolate can be good for us. Dark chocolate specifically has seven proven health benefits. A more in-depth look at this can be found here.

Roasted Cacao Beans Ground in Mortar and Pestle

Since, we appreciate the complexities of dark chocolate, we thought these health tidbits would continue to tip the scales to allow chocolate to move from the “only once in a while” to “everyday, please!” Here are our favorite facts: it can lower your blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve brain function. For research is being conducted for all of these, but it is incredible to consider the effect of eating chocolate daily could improve attention, verbal learning, and memory in young adults.

Add into the mix raw dark chocolate and you start to experience even more of the value. All the antioxidants and minerals are preserved during the tempering process. So, all the sweet chocolate flavor with power to keep your body in tip top shape. A superfood with some real superpower.



But this is what we consider the best of all— chocolate is meant to be shared. Given as a gift for someone special or even as a may to encourage soldiers in wartime, chocolate has had a special place throughout history. As chocolate moved from being a delicacy in the banquet halls of kings to the Easter holiday standard, it’s communal edge has been cheapened over time. Just like its luxury is being revived, so is the communal nature of chocolate.

Chocolate is a perfect pair with a summer cocktail, apricot stilton cheese, and that New World Zinfandel that you love to sip on at night. We open a box of chocolates, and our experience totally changes. We are transported to a world full of pleasures and it is even more delicious in the company of those we care about. Perfect for those weeknight charcuterie boards or that last sip of wine on a date night. Perfect anywhere, at any time, with anyone.


Metallic Chocolate?


Globe Trotter