Dashing into The Holidays

We have officially reached the holiday season. Thanksgiving passed us by, Black Friday got us excited, and now we are dashing all the way into the New Year. We often talk about slowing down, getting together with family and friends, and spending time by a fire humming our favorite holiday tune. But does that ever happen? In the frenzy of all the coordination, organization, gift wrapping, frantic online shopping, and fighting with the lights on the tree… when does it become a holiday?

For most of us, I can imagine that the holiday really begins when we all gather. It may be loud, it may be quiet, but there is something that happens when we gather around the traditions that have carried us year after year. For my family, our best gifts were never under the tree. It was in the stocking where the real magical gifts always appeared. To this day, I remember the excitement of looking in the stocking to see what was left for me. And now that I am an adult, some of my favorite things still fit perfectly in that stocking joyfully hanging on the mantle.

Chocolate enjoyed by friends

And what are your traditions? What do you love to receive? Or, even better, what do you love to give? I think that is what I like most about this season, as cliché as it sounds—it is a season for giving. It doesn’t require the frenzy, or the noise, or waiting in line for hours. It is just the simple heartfelt gratitude and appreciation of those around you. And to continue the cliches, chocolate is still one of the top gifts to give.

Chocolate Gift Box & Wrapping

But even though 47% of Americans will likely gift chocolate or candy, it doesn’t mean that it can’t be special. Ilan’s Raw Chocolate is a gift for any occasion. Kosher, vegan, hand-crafted, and the list could go on, it is a gift perfect for gathering. With 10 delicious flavors to choose from, you can give those around you a delightful memory…. Sitting around the fire, eating chocolate, laughing, and even belting your favorite songs. Make memories together and give the gift of chocolate this season. Or, better yet, maybe a monthly subscription with our Connoisseur’s Club to enjoy all year round.

Why not make a gift of Ilan’s Raw Chocolate as a tradition for those who gather around you?

Chocolate Gift

Holiday Inspired Pairings


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